The season 4 of the widely popular anime series, Attack on Titan, is just around the corner. First releasing in 2013, it made its mark. And since then every season has been a huge hit with amazing fight sequences and relatable characters.

Eren is the main protagonist of Attack on Titan. He inherited the Attack Titan from his father and has since achieved more control and learned new abilities. No matter, how strong or cool Eren may seem. Fans are not going to forgive him. They are making all kinds of memes about him, from his personality to poor luck.

10 The Secret To Eren's Powers

Eren calms down after eating a snicker.

Now, this is a meme that shows some effort has gone into its making. With the influx of new users, the content on the internet has become bland. People upload cringy content and call it funny. But the maker of this meme is serious about his work.

It compiles images from many different episodes to make up a story. It makes fun of Eren's personality, that he becomes a titan when he's angry( actually that's Hulk's power). Even when Eren was young, he was a hothead, and this meme just saying the truth.

9 Meme Cross-over

Reiner and Bertholdt titan reveal meme

This is a meme compilation to represent the most hyped moment of Attack On Titan's season 2- Bertholdt and Reiner titan reveal. Many fans figured it out from the start because of Reiner's resemblance to the Armored Titan.

Reiner went in without consulting anyone. The scouts had doubts about them and he proved them right. Especially, Bertholdt's reaction was the same as Mike Wazowski in the meme. He was confused and wanted to punch Reiner in the face. But Mikasa was the one who stole the moment.

8 Poor Eren

Reiner and Bertholdt making fun of Eren

Reiner was not in his right mind when he told Eren that he was the Armored Titan. What was he expecting? That Eren would say "Cool, I'm not the kind of man who holds grudges. You can kidnap me." Well, they were hugely mistaken.

Eren is the kind of guy who will spend the last of his energy and go literally berserk to take down his enemy. And he did put Reiner in a body lock. If it would not have been for Bertholdt, Reiner was done for.

7 Attack Of Waifu

Annie threatening Eren to be his waifu

For those who don't know, Waifu, in anime culture, are female characters which fans want to have a relationship. Husbandos are the same thing, but they're male- as the name suggests. Eren had two possible love interests: Mikasa and Annie.

Mikasa has been with him since childhood and accompanied him in his roughs. She gives many signals to him, if they weren't born in a world full of titans, they would have been a couple. On the other hand, Annie, a fellow titan, just as intimidating and flawless in every manner. Eren has become a trophy for the ladies to achieve.

6 Indeed, I Strange Thing To Ask

Attack on Titan and is this a pigeon meme combined

This is a rendition of "it was a strange thing to ask" with "is this a pigeon" meme. In the first panel, Eren is asked an abnormal, out of the place question. Due to being caught off-guard, his only reaction is "huh". And the meme ends in the last panel. It beautifully combines two memes.

Internet users will find humor in anything. This is what makes the internet addicting and inspiring at the same time.

5 Eren is .....!

Eren's google suggestions make fun of him.

Whenever a statement is typed on Google, it starts giving suggestions halfway through. Those suggestions are based on what others have been searching for. Sometimes they make up for ridiculous results- as seen in this case. Eren, a very serious and strong warrior, is thought by someone to be useless.

Some think he's dead or a girl, but the wildest ones are Eren being Princess Peach from Mario. Eren has every right to be pissed. The same fire for revenge in his eyes can be seen as the time a titan ate his mom.

4 Belle Delphine Of Attack On Titan

Erwin asking Eren for Mikasa's bathwater

It is 2020, the peak of humanity. In movies, it was speculated that hoverboards would've been invented or mankind living on other planets. But humans... humans are still the same. Instead of using the power of the internet to help others and make progress, it has been used to sell the bathwater of females.

The bathwater reference has made its way to Attack On Titan.And it's none other than Erwin, who is delivering the joke. Seriously Erwin, grow up. You're the leader of scouts.

3 Every Cosplay Is Good

Eren Yeager titan cosplay is always bad in reality.

People cosplay their favorite characters to show their love and devotion. It's a global phenomenon, and fans have pulled off some impressive cosplays- that reflect the effort put into them. Cosplaying titans from Attack On Titanis very tricky.

It has to be a full-body suit with printing and a lot of makeup to get the texture right. When newbies try to pull it off, they are bound to go wrong- as seen in the picture. However, don't get too upset about how it looks. Cosplay is all about having fun and making friends.

2 Breaking Bad On Titan

Eren laying of Walter's roof

The ultimate crossover in the history of mankind- Breaking Bad and Attack On Titan. Walter White was pushed to struggle after his cancer was discovered. Eren in the same way had a motivation for revenge after his mother was killed. They are similar in many ways.

Both of them went through a lot of struggles to make their place in the world. They killed even when they didn't want to. They are fighters- who follow the rule of kill or be killed. Eren even died once. Also, today it is revealed that Eren's true form is a pepperoni pizza.

1 Eren Is Going To Get Beat Up Again

Levi as a password is too short.

The one badass guy in anime, who overpowers his enemies all the time, speaks slowly and has an edgy attitude. That rings a bell for Attack On Titan fans. All things aside, Levi is a well-built character. His unfortunate past and how he learned to survive in a harsh world is realistically represented.

But there's one thing that Levi can never improve, it's his height. He has reached his adult age when growth stops. While Eren is still in his teens. Even so, if anyone makes fun of him for being short, he can transform into a 10 feet titan. But Levi... Eh! He's in a bad spot.

NEXT: Attack On Titan: 5 Reasons Why Fans Are Excited For The Final Season (& 5 Why They're Nervous)